May 29Liked by Mackenzie Rivers


Do you only make all types of chcocolate in the summer, dark, milk, and white, or a subset of that? Also, how do you store that chocolate prior to tempering? Thanks

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I'd make whatever batches I'd plan on needing in the fall/holiday seasons. I store two ways: (1) strain and pour directly into stainless steel hotel pans, which form easy to wrap and store blocks. The chocolate sets in the pan, then it's tipped out onto parchment and wrapped. When I need it I place the entire block into my melter (2) strain/pour directly into the size stainless hotel pan that I use in my melter; each pan holds about 16 pounds of chocolate. I pour and store in the pan (they come with a stainless lid), and when I need the batch I pop the pan into my diy melter. In both methods I never have to chop chocolate.

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