There is so much to say about this, and I do feel that Quetzal Cacao is poised on all fronts.

As a cacao grower crafting chocolate at origin, we are inherently sustainable and plant based, and our deep connection with ceremony brings in the mood component.

We don't sell wholesale, only direct to consumer through a subscription box, crafting seasonal selections using the ingredients grown on our organic farm. I'm a big fan of the entire subscription model especially in a small country (Panama) that has less than half the population of New York City, so niche is what we're all about.

Shipping international (ouch) is the challenge, just today I went to my shipping company, and to send a box of 12 bars (a quarterly collection) to my subscribers in the US is now over $200 (an increase of $60 since May) for international delivery. I'm pivoting, and shipping bulk to a friend who willl break the big box down and ship individually from there. The bulk of my subs are in Panama and I ship monthly to them. Many have been with me over 2 years now.

My end of year calender is full of small markets and opportunities to put a face to the brand, and to get off the farm and socialize a little bit. It's a whirlwind right now, and I'm grateful for the dedication of my small team that helps on the farm and in the kitchen.

Thanks Mackenzie, for confirming my business model. I love reading you as the alignment in spot on.

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Reading you biz details makes me so happy! And I think your bulk international shipping pivot is brilliant. Quetzal offers such a good example to makers, I’m grateful you’re sharing your experiences with us all.

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