Aug 3·edited Aug 3Liked by Mackenzie Rivers

Thank you for this!

I am confused about one thing; is this strictly for monitoring and recording only? I find that the most frustration with my Behmor roaster is in controlling the programming.

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You’re most welcome! Yes, it’s just to monitor and capture the data. To control the presets (basically, remove them), I set up like this: choose P3, bump up to full amount of time using the + buttton (on P3 it’s 23:30), press start, then press the P5 button, which removes the preset and goes to full power. If I want to slow down the roast I can open the door (Behmor is so small this is very responsive) or I can push P4 or P3 and it will reduce heat. To return to full power hit P5. Hope this is helpful!

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Very helpful, thank you Mackensie. Although I had my 1600 figured out, I'm finding my new 2000 behaves differently enough. It seems to react more quickly to overheating by shutting down. I'll be employing the door trick.

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That's interesting to hear about shutting down! have you reached out to Behmor support? Seems like that would be an issue for coffee roasting, since that requires higher heat, though maybe folks roasting coffee don't use manual mode.

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